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The NE region, located mainly North of 40.0 ◦ N, has a frigid, semi-humid climate. Winters are long and cold, while summers are warm and wet. Mean annual precipitation is 594 mm, 60% of which falls from July to September. The first frosts usually appear in September and early October.

In NE region, the agricultural production is one crop per year. Soybean crops are generally sown in spring (April or May) and harvested in autumn (mid to late September). The cultivated soil in NE is mainly black soil and chernozem, and the soil is fertile with relative higher organic matter content.


The Northeast China Plain is one of the four large contiguous black soil field in the world. It is characterized by good physical and chemical shape, high organic matter content and suitable for crop growth, which known as a granary of China. However, due to unreasonable human activities, especially long-term continuous cropping of crops, the black soil in northeast China has been degraded severely in recent years. The sustainable development of agriculture in this region has been seriously affected by the decrease of soil organic matter content, the reduction of NPK reserves, the soil nutrient imbalance, the soil acidification, the decrease of soil storage capacity, the plough bottom moving up and the soil consolidation.


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Crop rotation can improve soil nutrient cycling and increase soil organic carbon content, which is an important measure to prevent soil degradation and restore soil fertility. Both soybean and other legumes are good soil improving crop because of its nitrogen fixation ability. Grass crop and leguminous crop rotation, such as the popular maize-soybean rotation, can effectively alleviate continuous cropping obstacles, improve the number and diversity of soil microorganisms, increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil, and ultimately improve the soil ecological environment and sustainable soil production.

Core technology:

(1) Soybean - maize rotation technology

(2) No tillage with deep soiling technology


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Northeast China Plain NBS Team