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Call for Challenges

We are excited to announce that the Call for Challenges for the trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 is now open! Participants are invited to submit their innovative challenge ideas focused on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for sustainable agriculture and land management. Once the challenges are submitted, anyone will be able to join a challenge and engage in virtual hacking within collaborative teams. Each challenge will be led by a dedicated mentor, who will provide guidance, expertise, and support throughout the hackathon process. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of impactful solutions, work with like-minded individuals from around the world, and benefit from the knowledge and experience of seasoned mentors. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this transformative event – submit your challenge today!

Provide a brief description of the challenge. Include the main objectives and expected outcomes. (200 words max)
List the main topics or focus areas of the challenge (e.g., soil health, resilient cropping systems, biodiversity).
Specify: name, affiliation, brief bio.
Specify: name, affiliation, brief bio of second challenge mentor (OPTIONAL).
Provide your email

By submitting this application, you agree that Data collected through this form will be used solely for the purpose of the hackathon and will be shared with other registered participants for creating hackathon teams. Plan4all Data Protection Policy available at