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The primary objective of the hackathon is to develop and test innovative Nature-Based Solution (NBS) practices and pathways that contribute to a socio-ecological transformation of existing intensive agriculture systems towards increasingly sustainable nutrient management.

By fostering collaboration between the EU and China, the hackathon aims to inspire young farmers, students, and professionals to engage in creating innovative business ideas utilising NBS technologies. This aligns with the broader ambition of trans4num to enhance NBS implementation through a multi-level approach involving academic partners, practice partners, and societal stakeholders.

Objectives of the Hackathon

  1. Develop innovative practices for sustainable nutrient management in agriculture: Generate solutions focused on optimising nutrient use efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and promoting circular farming approaches within intensive farming systems.
  2. Promote ecosystem services enhancement and biodiversity in agriculture: Develop innovative solutions that enhance ecosystem services, improve biodiversity, and contribute to climate change mitigation within agricultural landscapes.
  3. Foster EU-China collaboration for agricultural and environmental innovation: Leverage the strengths and experiences of both regions to address pressing challenges related to sustainable agriculture, nutrient management, and environmental health.

Participation and Registration

The hackathon is fully virtual and open to anyone. You are now invited to submit your innovative challenge ideas. Once challenges are defined, anyone will be able to join them and participate in virtual hacking.

Call for Challenges

We are excited to announce that the Call for Challenges for the trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 is now open! Participants are invited to submit their innovative challenge ideas focused on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for sustainable agriculture and land management. Once the challenges are submitted, anyone will be able to join a challenge and engage in virtual hacking within collaborative teams. Each challenge will be led by a dedicated mentor, who will provide guidance, expertise, and support throughout the hackathon process. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of impactful solutions, work with like-minded individuals from around the world, and benefit from the knowledge and experience of seasoned mentors. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this transformative event – submit your challenge today!

Submit your challenge

Final Event

The trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 will culminate in an exciting virtual workshop, where the results of the challenges will be showcased. This final event will feature presentations from all participating teams, who will share their innovative solutions developed during the hackathon. An expert jury will be present to assess the submissions based on predefined criteria, and their evaluations will determine the top solutions. The event will conclude with an award ceremony, celebrating the most outstanding contributions and recognizing the hard work and creativity of the participants.

Criteria for Evaluation

The trans4num INSPIRE Hackathon 2024 submissions will be evaluated based on a set of criteria to ensure a fair and thorough assessment of each team's contributions. The criteria for evaluation are as follows:

  • Relevance to NBS: How well does the solution align with Nature-Based Solutions for sustainable agriculture and land management?
  • Innovation and creativity: Is the solution original and creative? Does it introduce new ideas and approaches?
  • Impact and sustainability: What positive impact does the solution have on agriculture and the environment? Is it designed to be sustainable long-term?
  • Feasibility and practicality: Is the solution practical and realistic to implement in real-world scenarios?
  • Presentation and communication: How clearly and effectively is the solution presented? Is the documentation comprehensive and well-organised?


  • Call for Challenges: June to mid-August 2024
  • Webinars & Training for Mentors: September 2024
  • Call for Participation in Challenges: September 2024
  • Virtual Hacking in Teams: October-November 2024
  • Final Virtual EU-China Event: End of November 2024



The hackathon is organised by the trans4num project which is co-funded by the European Union.

Collaborating Projects

The hackathon is supported by several collaborating projects, offering challenges, mentors, and expertise. These projects bring valuable resources and networks, enriching the hackathon and driving innovation in sustainable agriculture and land management. Their involvement ensures a broad and impactful reach across various sectors and regions.



This project aims to establish a Precision Farming Knowledge Transfer Ecosystem, involving universities, research centres, and business support organisations to foster digital capabilities, aiming to improve sector competitiveness.



The objective of PoliRuralPLUS is to foster a sustainable, balanced, equitable, place-based and inclusive development of rural and urban areas through improved connections, governance arrangements, and integrated territorial policies that prioritise experimentation and innovation in domains that favour bi-directional urban-rural synergies and the development of a well-being economy.