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trans4num is a four-year project funded under the Zero Pollution call as an EU-China international cooperation action on nature-based solutions (NBS) for nutrient management in agriculture.

trans4num is a multi-actor project, coordinated by the University of Hohenheim which brings together partners from 14 European countries. Check the Partners sections on the website for more details.

trans4num will asses innovative NBS practices in 4 European countries and in 3 different locations in China. Check the NBS sites section for more details.

trans4num ambition and objectives are described below


trans4num ambition is to broadly enhance the NBS implementation in Europe with an integrative and tested multi-level approach, in dialogue with academic partners, practice partners and societal stakeholders by:

Identifying and evaluating socially and contextually suitable transformation pathways towards a more sustainable nutrient management of N and

Developing a user-orientated decision support tool for regional nutrient management

Generating and spreading practice-relevant assessments on the potentials of selected NBS for different agricultural systems, geographical and climatic zone

Setting-up, testing and promoting a combined modelling of farm systems, value chain and food systems dynamics to generate robust multi-level evidence on the uptake and effects of innovative NBS

Promoting outputs on NBS innovation


The objective is to develop and test innovative NBS practices and pathways that contribute to a socio-ecological transformation of existing intensive agriculture systems towards increasingly sustainable nutrient management.

SO1. Develop, practice, and assess inter and transdisciplinary, systemic research conducive for a transformative learning approach towards sustainable agricultural practices.

SO2. Develop a differentiated understanding of NBS potentials for sustainable agricultural practices in the context of intensive farming systems.

SO3. Understand and analyse the complex interdependencies of applying NBS.

SO4. Develop a dynamic and smart nutrient management tool to support decision making

SO5. Provide an integrated assessment of food systems, value chains and policy levels’ leverage points for a robust transition to nature-based nutrient management in Europe and China

SO6. Develop evidence-based knowledge, create awareness for necessary conditions in a food system context, disseminate information and recommendations related to the design, development and implementation of NBS in different farming systems.

SO7. Enhance Europe-China exchange and learning process.